Monday, October 31, 2011


Too much information?  I have always been an open book.

Last week, I had the chance to meet Mark Biondi and hear him speak about the marketing efforts of the School of Rock.  He talked about everything from his background as a (very accomplished) musician, to how SoR is using social media, to one of my favorite tactics, blending marketing campaigns with charitable giving - a magical combination!

As he spoke, my wheels were spinning.  At one point, he stopped and looked over at me, where he must have seen the real-time the ticker tape of ideas running across my forehead.  I can't remember exactly what he said, but it was something along the lines of, "I think Amy has  some ideas around this..."

I had not spoken a word.

I can't help it.  It is a given.  I could change it as easily as I could the color of my eyes.

Along those lines, not only does my face give away exactly what is on my mind, I tend to be very open.  As you may have picked up here, I am trying to build a virtual team.  I truly want the Oak Park School of Rock to be a integral part of the community.  I believe that this starts at the beginning.  It starts with the planning and the ideation.  And it requires a certain level of openness and transparency.

I want the kids and families who come there to feel that it is their school, not some corporate franchise that just popped up in the neighborhood.  I want the leaders of Oak Park to feel that this is an asset and that it provides real value to the residents and other businesses here.  I want people who are looking to raise their families here to feel lucky (and cool) because they can walk their kids to the School of Rock.  I even want to have a positive and mutually supportive relationship with the competition.

There is an inherent risk in being so open.  This is a risk of which I have always been well aware and willing to deal with the consequences.  At this point however, I do realize that there are some things I won't be able to share here - at least not until "the deal is inked."  (How do you like that new term I picked up?)

I am attempting to balance my desire to share, to build a network and a virtual team, and to hopefully, help others who follow; with smart business sense.  I worry about things like competition, location, start-up costs, and our likelihood to succeed.  I will address all of these at some level here.  I will also do everything I can to make sure that the timing is right and that I don't offer too much information too soon.

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