Friday, October 28, 2011

Real Rockers of New Jersey

Bob and I just returned from a whirlwind tour of two New Jersey Schools of Rock where we met several people from the executive team and learned more about the company, it's values and their plans for continued growth and success.

You could sum up our visit in three words, "It was affirming."

One of the highlights of our visit was a tour of the Waldwick School of Rock and meeting the General Manager, Sam Lombardi.
Sam, I hope you don't mind that I was snapping photos of you when we were talking.  I was already formulating this post in my mind.

Sam should be cloned.

Interestingly, Sam came into his role almost by accident.  A couple of years ago, he was laid off from his job and found himself with a lot of free time on his hands.  His  friend, a GM another location, asked him to come down to the school and fix a computer.  Sam fixed the computer.  Then his friend asked him to fix a door.  He fixed the door.  Soon, Sam found himself serving as a permanent volunteer there.  He enjoyed the kids and the environment and spending his days there was better than sitting at home.  When the owners decided to open another school, they approached Sam and asked him if he wanted to run a School of Rock.  It was meant to be.

He is passionate, funny, smart, sales-y, energetic, technologically savvy and business whiz.  He has the complete set of skills needed to operate the ninth most successful school in the School of Rock system.  Not only that, he has been incredibly generous with his willingness to share his experiences and knowledge with us so that we can be equally successful.

So, thank you again, Sam!  I hope to see you here in Chicago for our grand opening next year.  Oh, and I hope to find someone just like you so that we can mirror your success.

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