Saturday, December 17, 2011

Straight Up Update

For the very few people who read this blog, my sincere apologies for not posting more often.

I don't have a clever theme or idea for this post (but as I am writing this, I did just think of an idea for my next post - think, rock and roll design ideas).  So, this one will have to be a "straight up," as Abigail would say, School of Rock update.

Here goes:

Location.  We are in negotiations for a location which we are very excited about.  Nothing is final until the lease is signed, but my instincts are telling me that this will work out.  All parties involved seem reasonable and interested in coming to an agreement that will work for everyone.  I am extremely optimistic and hope to have an announcement soon!

Franchise Agreement.  First round of redlining and response is nearly complete.  The process is rather painless and easy.  I anticipate that we will wrap it up this coming week.

Money.  We closed on our loan.  Woohoo!

People.  Wow, we have some very cool, talented musicians who are ready to join us.  I was worried (but not that worried) about trying to do this and not having a background in music.  I like to describe our efforts as setting the stage and being the facilitators, hoping that "if we build it, they will come."  I am confident that we will have an awesome, inspiring team that will lead us to success.  (Look for a future post about the team.)

It's becoming more real.  I can see it.  Standing in the space yesterday with the realtor and the architect, I said to them, "I can see us standing here in a few months, surrounded by noisy kids, rock music, cool art and toasting to the opening of the Oak Park School of Rock.


  1. I'm sharing your excitement. Never thought you would end up involved in a musical enterprise. I have no doubt that you will be successful.
