Sunday, September 25, 2011

I am lucky in this town

Welcome to my blog.  And I thought I didn't have anything to write about!!!

The title of this blog comes from one of my favorite lines in a Bruce Springsteen song called, "Long Walk Home," which pretty much sums up how I feel about Oak Park.  Although I know there are equally wonderful towns and communities everywhere, I feel very fortunate to live here and to be raising a family here.  Expanding our roots to include a School of Rock is another facet of our already colorful, friend-filled, beautiful life here.  I hope you enjoy this blog and check back periodically to get the latest news and updates of our progress.



Long Walk Home:
Here everybody has a neighbor
Everybody has a friend
Everybody has a reason to begin again

My father said "Son, we're lucky in this town
It's a beautiful place to be born
It just wraps its arms around you
Nobody crowds you, nobody goes it alone.


  1. Congratulations Amy. I am excited about your endeavor and look forward to following your journey on your blog. I am so proud of you.

  2. not to discount luck, amy, but your creative, generous spirit and positive energy has always suffused the world around you. you inspire me amy! go for it! (and good luck) xoxo

  3. dad beat me by 1 minute! can we share biggest fan status?

  4. Your blog will be a great way to keep us all informed. And how did you make it so fancy and purdy?! Oh wait, look who I'm talking to.
